As newbie PhD student, I should know what to expect. Therefore I read besides xkcd the comic series, PhD Comics:
These are my favorites (in no particular order):
- The Lab/Office Couch: Hangs beside my office couch, with reason! The legend states that another student rescued the printout out of a professor's trash can.
- Deadline: Happened yesterday
- Author List: That really explains a lot.
- Deciphering Academese: One of our prof. mentions in a similar fashion that "widely acknowledged" means "ask two other people on the same floor".
- Academic Salaries: Good to see that a PhD student in Germany gets a bit more. :-)
- Your Shrinking Sense of Humor: Were on that chart am I, when I like PhD Comics and xkcd?
- How long your Prof. thinks it should take to do something: My advisor has said something should take only a week, I'm still searching the technology that does it for me.
- Your Impact Factor: I have an impact factor of "Not a number" since "# original articles you've written" is, well, 0